A (12) | B (11) | C (6) | D (11) | E (21) | F (9) | G (7) | H (2) | I (8) | K (1) | L (16) | M (5) | N (5) | O (2) | P (11) | Q (1) | R (2) | S (13) | T (1) | V (1) | W (8)
Title Definition
National conservation strategies

Plans that highlight country-level environmental priorities and opportunities for sustainable management of natural resources, following the example of the World Conservation Strategy published by... read more

Native species/indigenous species/autochthonous

Species or genotypes which have evolved in the same area, region or biotope and are adapted to the specific predominant ecological conditions at the time of establishment. [fn]Source:(EFI 2002... read more

Natural communities

Assemblages of species that re-occur under similar habitat conditions and environmental regimes. [fn]Source: (TNC 2005) from website; The Nature Conservacy (updated: Aug 2005)[/fn]

Natural forest

A forest which has evolved as a sequence of natural succession but still showing anthropogenic influences. Also, forests that have developed from unmanaged pastures or from fallow land; Natural... read more

Natural resource management (NRM)

is defined as "enhancing natural assets across generations" or “enhancing natural assets across generations for the long term benefit o f humans and their environment.” Natural resources are the... read more